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· 6 min read


  • a9s Harbor: Fix stop procedure for the consul-master-registrator component when stopping the a9s Harbor service instance.
  • a9s Kubernetes: Fix stop procedure for the consul-master-registrator component when stopping the a9s Kubernetes service instance.
  • a9s MySQL: Fix stop procedure for the consul-master-registrator component when stopping the a9s MariaDB service instance.
  • a9s PostgreSQL: SPI: Allow certificates rotation when certificates are provided via custom parameters. The provided certificates won't be ignored anymore, instead they will be applied on the service instance.
  • a9s Redis: SPI: Allow certificates rotation when certificates are provided via custom parameters. The provided certificates won't be ignored anymore, instead they will be applied on the service instance.
  • a9s Search: SPI: Allow certificates rotation when certificates are provided via custom parameters. The provided certificates won't be ignored anymore, instead they will be applied on the service instance.
  • a9s MongoDB: SPI: Allow certificates rotation when certificates are provided via custom parameters. The provided certificates won't be ignored anymore, instead they will be applied on the service instance.
  • a9s Elasticsearch: SPI: Allow certificates rotation when certificates are provided via custom parameters. The provided certificates won't be ignored anymore, instead they will be applied on the service instance.
  • a9s Messaging: SPI: Allow certificates rotation when certificates are provided via custom parameters. The provided certificates won't be ignored anymore, instead they will be applied on the service instance.
  • all services: a9s BOSH Deployer: Make BOSH director cloud-config request fault tolerant.
  • all services: a9s Backup Agent: Fix issue with the PITR plugin that would not wait for PostgreSQL to fully stop before going ahead restoring the base backup, this caused PostgreSQL to corrupt the base backup and fail to find the required WAL files, causing the operation to get stuck.
  • all services: a9s Service Broker: Ensure the metadata will have all the parameters. Fixes an issue with the a9s Service Dashboard and a9s PostgreSQL service instances that lose the Continuous Archiving view after updating custom parameters.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Fix broken table in the a9s Platform Required Ports documentation. See a9s Platform Required Ports.
  • docs: Application Developer: Fix example for customer-provided Certificates for a Service Instance. See here.
  • docs: Application Developer: Extend documentation explaining how to fork an a9s Messaging service instance with the intention to restore.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Fix curl commands to use JSON formatting on the page anynines Data Services Administrative Tasks. Improve the wording regarding some required params for a restore call.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Fix curl commands to use JSON formatting on the page a9s-pg Backup.
  • INTERNAL RELEASE a9s MySQL: SPI: Improve the certificate generation inside the used library.


  • a9s Backup Manager: Add support for independent certificates for each configured a9s Service Broker. Add ops files to configure the ca and skip_ssl_validation for each service. See ops/tls_configurations/backup-service/add_broker_to_backup_service
  • a9s Backup Manager: Make the a9s Backup Agent job max_attempts property configurable.
  • a9s Dashboard: Add configurable confirmation panel when disabling automatic updates. You can find more information about this in Configure Disable Automatic Update Modal.
  • docs: Application Developer: Extend the a9s SSL/TLS Service Plans documentation to explain how to do certificate rotation for customer-provided certificates. For more information see: Certificate Rotation.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Add information about the a9s Backup Agent job max_attempts property and how to configure it. For more information see a9s Backup Manager.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Extend the TLS configuration documentation to include a step-by-step guide on how to rotate wildcard certificates and their CA. For more information see Common SSL/TLS configuration
  • docs: Application Developer: Add missing contraints for a9s MySQL and a9s Search when using SSL plans. See here for further information.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Add missing documentation on how to use force_certificate_rotation for a9s Redis. See here for further information.
  • docs: Platform Operator: Add missing contraints for a9s Search when configuring TLS. See here for further information. For more information see Common SSL/TLS configuration.
  • INTERNAL RELEASE a9s-pg: Add TLS for the postgresql-backup-endpoint.
  • INTERNAL RELEASE a9s Backup Manager: Add TLS support for the a9s Backup Manager. Create an ops file to configure a9s Backup Manager to support TLS connections.
  • INTERNAL RELEASE a9s Backup Monit: Create an ops file to let the a9s Backup Monit communicate with the a9s Backup Manager via TLS.
  • INTERNAL RELEASE all services: a9s DS API Gateway: Create an ops file to let the a9s DS API Gateway communicate with the a9s Backup Manager via TLS.
  • INTERNAL RELEASE all services: a9s Backup Monit: Update Storage Handler gem to version 1.2.5.


  • a9s Backup Monit: Ruby 3.0.4. The Ruby bump addresses internal Ruby issues when using the resolv library, which would trigger an infinite loop when creating a random number during host resolution.
  • a9s Messaging: RabbitMQ 3.10.6 and RabbitMQ 3.8.35
  • stemcell: We've tested our release with Ubuntu Bionic stemcell 1.88.
  • a9s PostgreSQL: a9s PostgreSQL 13: Update the repmgr user to a role with less privileges, now it is a normal user that it is able to create replication connections. This change is made for a9s PostgreSQL 13 only as there are operational repmgr impediments for the older versions. We recommend migrating your data from the previous version to the latest version of a9s PostgreSQL 13.
  • a9s Search: OpenSearch 1.3.4
  • all services: a9s Backup Agent: Update the a9s PostgreSQL plugin for logical backups to drop the repmgr database before registering again to ensure the repmgr extension is recreated with the correct owner.
  • all services: SPIs: Ruby 3.0.4 and rack 2.2.4. The Ruby bump addresses internal Ruby issues when using the resolv library, which would trigger an infinite loop when creating a random number during host resolution.
  • all services: Update routing BOSH release to latest version 0.236.0.
  • all services: Update routing BOSH release to latest version 0.237.0.
  • docs: all services: Change the documentation tooling from Zola to Docusaurus. This changes the user interface of our customer facing documentation at and it will apply to all anynines-deployment versions starting from v31.0.0. For documentation older than v31.0.0 please visit
  • docs: all services: Update documentation's markdown files' metadata from Zola standards to Docusaurus standards. This change affects every markdown in our docs folder.
  • addons/mongodbsspl: MongoDB 5.0.10
  • a9s Backup Manager: Create an ops file to use the a9s Backup Manager with OpenStack.
  • a9s Backup Manager: Remove aliyun_oss_location property from ops file It is not used internally and so it can be removed.
  • a9s Backup Manager: Remove the opensearch-backup properties for the backup-on-alicloud ops file and the backup-on-generic-s3 ops file. These properties are not used internally by these backup stores and so they can be removed.


  • breaking change stemcell: We do not test anymore against Ubuntu Bionic stemcell 1.51 and 1.54.
  • a9s PostgreSQL: Remove PostgreSQL 13 from enable-production-ready-services-only.yml because it's production ready.