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Version: 48.0.0

Using a9s LogMe

This topic describes how to use a9s LogMe for PCF after it has been successfully installed.

Stream Application Logs to LogMe

To use a9s LogMe with an application, create a service instance and bind the service instance to your application. For more information on managing service instances, see Managing Service Instances with the cf CLI.

View the Service Offering

After the tile is installed, run cf marketplace to see a9s-logme service offering and its service plans:

$ cf marketplace
Getting services from marketplace in org test / space test as admin...
service plans description
a9s-logme logme-single-small, logme-single-big, logme-cluster-small, logme-cluster-big This is the a9s LogMe service.

Create a Service Instance

To provision a LogMe instance, run cf create-service SERVICE-NAME PLAN-NAME INSTANCE-NAME where INSTANCE-NAME is any name you want to give the instance you create.

cf create-service a9s-logme logme-single-small my-logme-service

Depending on your infrastructure and service broker utilization, it may take several minutes to create the service instance.

Run the cf services command to view the creation status. This command displays a list of all your service instances. To view the status of a specific service instance, run cf service NAME-OF-YOUR-SERVICE.

Bind the LogMe Service to Your Application

After the LogMe service instance is created, run cf bind-service APP-NAME INSTANCE-NAME to bind the LogMe service to any applications whose logs should be streamed:

cf bind-service my-app my-logme-service

Restage or Restart Your Application

To enable your application to access the service instance, run cf restage or cf restart to restage or restart your application.

See Your Applications Logs

Perform the following steps to see your applications logs:

  1. Grab the service instance's dashboard URL with cf service my-logme-service:

    name: my-logme-service
    service: a9s-logme
    bound apps: my-app
    plan: logme-single-small
    description: This is the a9s LogMe service.
    documentation url:
    service broker: logme-service-broker
  2. Extend the dashboard URL with a postfix /kibana. In the above example this would result in the URL

  3. Open the URL in a browser and then authenticate on the redirected page with your Cloud Foundry credentials: authentication-page

  4. Click Authorize to approve the authorization request: authorization-page

  5. In the Kibana dashboard that appears, specify the Index name or pattern and the Time-field name. For the Index name or pattern you could use the prefilled value. dashboard-index For the Time-field name use the only available value, @timestamp. dashboard-timestamp

  6. Click Create to apply the settings.

Your application's logs appear on the Discover tab of the Kibana dashboard:


Best Practices

There are some best practices for using service binding information in apps in a separate document.

Stream a9s Service Logs to LogMe

To use a LogMe service instance to monitor another service instance, follow the first two steps of Stream application logs to LogMe to create an a9s LogMe service instance.

Create a Service Key

After the LogMe service instance is created, run cf create-service-key my-logme-service SERVICE-KEY-NAME to create a new key for your service instance:

$ cf create-service-key my-logme-service key1
$ cf service-key my-logme-service key1

"host": "syslog://d37f7da-logstash.service.dc1.consul:514",
"password": "a9sfd6e0d814e78c903290ebb5a7207b20c5f0a2653",
"username": "a9sed20b19c769f0804bc68b97d02cba86e9c3a0379"

This Data Service does not have support for multiple unique service keys. Therefore, when creating services keys for this Data Service, every key will have the same set of credentials.

Update Your Service

The cf update-service command used with the -c flag can let you stream your syslog to a third-party service. In this case, the command expects a JSON string containing the syslog key. For this, you need to give the URL given by the cf service-key command as a value for the syslog key.

$ cf update-service service-instance-to-monitor \
-c '{"syslog": ["d37f7da-logstash.service.dc1.consul:514"]}'

See Your Services Logs

To see your service's logs follow the instructions here.

See Your Logs

Regardless of the origin or your logs, be it your application or your service instance, the process to see them on Kibana is as follows:

  1. Grab the service instance's dashboard URL with cf service my-logme-service:
name: my-logme-service
service: a9s-logme
plan: logme-single-small
description: This is the a9s LogMe service.
service broker: logme-service-broker

This service is not currently shared.

Showing status of last operation from service my-logme-service...

status: create succeeded
started: 2021-12-08T20:18:13Z
updated: 2021-12-08T20:24:33Z

bound apps:
name binding name status message
my-app create succeeded

  1. Extend the dashboard URL with a postfix /kibana. In the above example this would result in the URL

  2. Open the URL in a browser and then authenticate on the redirected page with your Cloud Foundry credentials: authentication-page

  3. Click Authorize to approve the authorization request: authorization-page

  4. The Kibana dashboard appears. Specify the Index name or pattern and the Time-field name. For the Index name or pattern you can use the prefilled value.

  5. Browse to the dashboard URL and authenticate on the redirected page with your Cloud Foundry credentials:

  1. Click Authorize to approve the authorization request:

  1. The dashboard appears. Specify the Index name or pattern and the Time-field name. For the Index name or pattern you can use the prefilled value.


For the Time-field name use the only available value, @timestamp. dashboard-timestamp


After this your logs are visible from Discover tab of the Kibana dashboard:

Application's logs: <br><br>


Service instance's logs: <br><br>

Your service's logs appear on the Discover tab of the Kibana dashboard:


Your service's logs appear on the Discover tab of the dashboard:

Stop Streaming Application Logs to LogMe

Follow the steps below to stop streaming the logs of your applications to LogMe.

List Available Services

Run cf services to list available service instances and get the name of the service instance you want to delete.

$ cf services

Getting services in org test / space test as admin...

name service plan bound apps last operation
my-logme-service a9s-logme logme-single-small a9s-logme-app create succeeded

This example shows that my-logme-service is bound to the a9s-logme-app.

Unbind the Service Instance

If your LogMe service instance is bound to an app, you will need to unbind them first. Run cf unbind-service APP-NAME INSTANCE-NAME to unbind the service from your application:

cf unbind-service a9s-logme-app my-logme-service

Delete the Service Instance

Run cf delete-service INSTANCE-NAME to delete the service instance:

cf delete-service my-logme-service

It may take several minutes to delete the service. Deleting a service deprovisions the corresponding infrastructure resources. Run the cf services command to view the deletion status.

Stop Streaming Service Logs to LogMe

Follow the steps below to stop streaming the logs of your services to LogMe.

Overwrite Your Service configuration

If you want to stop streaming your service instance logs to your LogMe instance, you can overwrite the syslog key of your service configuration.

Run cf update-service INSTANCE-NAME -c PARAMETERS-AS-JSON to update the syslog endpoint of the instance you don't want to monitor anymore. For this, you need to overwrite the value of the syslog key with an empty string.

cf update-service service-instance-to-monitor -c '{"syslog": []}'

Delete the Service Key and Instance

If you are not using it anymore, you may want to delete the service key and the service instance itself. Run cf delete-service-key INSTANCE-NAME SERVICE-KEY-NAME and cf delete-service INSTANCE-NAME to do so.

cf delete-service-key my-logme-service key1
cf delete-service my-logme-service

It may take several minutes to delete the service. Deleting a service deprovisions the corresponding infrastructure resources. Run the cf services command to view the deletion status.

Custom Parameters


As usage of an a9s LogMe instance grows you may need to tune the logstash component to meet demand. There are currently 3 custom parameters available for this.

logstash_heapspaceThe amount of memory (in MB) allocated as heap by the JVM for Logstash256%50 of VM memory (check your plan details)256
logstash_maxmetaspaceThe amount of memory (in MB) used by the JVM to store metadata for Logstash2561024256
logstash_file_open_limitThe limit on the number of file descriptors Logstash can have open concurrently102465535 (varies between stemcells)1024

Data Retention

In order to clean up old Elasticsearch indices a tool called Curator runs periodically. By default it deletes indices older than 30 days.

You can overwrite that configuration using the custom parameters curator_retention_unit and curator_retention_period.

For example:

cf create-service a9s-logme logme-single-small my-logme-service -c '{ "curator_retention_unit": "days", "curator_retention_period": 90 }'
cf update-service my-logme-service -c '{ "curator_retention_unit": "hours", "curator_retention_period": 3 }'

For the curator_retention_unit you can use the following values:

  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years

For the curator_retention_period you can use a positive integer value bigger than zero.

Additional Groks

It is possible to define additional grok patterns, which will be matched against the message part of the syslog. As soon the first grok pattern will match, the next will not apply to it.

To clarify that statement a little further, assume we have the following syslog message:

<133>Feb 25 14:09:07 webserver syslogd: 123 additional-infomation 456

This syslog message is preprocessed by the logstash syslog input plugin. After that preprocessing it already has the structure:

{... syslog specific parts of the log ... "message" : "123 additional-infomation 456" }

The user defined additional groks are now matched against the value of the message field. In the example above against "123 additional-infomation 456".

Assuming the following additonal grok is defined:

"%{NUMBER:valueOne} %{WORD:someWord} %{NUMBER:valueTwo}"

The parsed result would be:

//... syslog specific parts of the log ...
"message": "123 additional-infomation 456",
"valueOne": "123",
"someWord": "additional-information",
"valueOne": "456"

How to Add Additional Groks

Additional groks are applied as custom parameter {"additional_groks":[/* List of additional groks */]}.


cf cs <service-type> <service-plan> <service-name> \
-c '{"additional_groks":[{"pattern":"%{WORD:Some} %{WORD:Grok} %{WORD:Pattern}"}]}'

Each pattern is a JavaScript object with the fields "pattern", "additional_tags" and "additional_fields".

patternmandatorystringThe grok pattern to match against
additional_tagsoptionalarrayStrings which will be added as tags if the grok matches.
additional_fieldsoptionalhashKey-Value-Pairs which will be added as fields if the grok matches.

A minimal additional grok could look like this:


a more complex additional grok could look like this:

"additional_groks" : [
"pattern" : "%{GREEDYDATA:data}",
"additional_tags" : ["tagOne", "tagtwo"],
"additional_fields" : {
"fieldOne" : "fieldOneValue",
"fieldTwo" : "fieldTwoValue"
"pattern" : "%{GREEDYDATA:data}"

More information regarding the available grok patterns.

How to Remove Added Grok Patterns

If you want to remove all additional groks just apply the custom parameter with an empty array:

cf update-service <service-name> -c '{"additional_groks":[]}'

If you want to keep some additional groks, apply the custom parameter with that grok definitions included.

In general the groks are created completely new from scratch with every application of the custom parameter {"additional_groks" : [... Some groks ...]}.

Backup and Restore Service Instances

a9s LogMe provides an easy way to create backups and restore if needed. For a more detailed description, please see the a9s Service Dashboard documentation.

Known Limitations of a9s LogMe's Backups
  • The backup process is based on Elasticsearch's' Snapshot functionality, this means that:
    • Backups are not encrypted.
      • Due to this, the backup_manager_encryption_key property cannot be set.
    • Backups cannot be downloaded.
    • The storage backend is limited to AWS S3 and Azure; generic S3 API services are not supported.
  • Elasticsearch's default filter plugins are not available.

Setup Disk Usage Alerts

Each service comes with the a9s Parachute. This component monitors ephemeral and persistent disk usage. See the a9s Parachute documentation how to configure the component.

Handle Stack Traces

Java stack traces typically contain more than one line of content. Logstash and the syslog protocol at all on the other hand, does not support multiline log-events per se. It is however possible to encode the newline character \n as \u2028 (line separator). Logstash will then read the stack trace as one log-event and save it to Elasticsearch with the line separator converted back to newline for readability. Without this fix, each line of the stack trace would show up as an event of its own in Elasticsearch.

The application needs to be configured to use the \u2028 line separator instead of the default \n line separator. This should be done by configuring the application logging accordingly.

It follows an example for Java Spring applications.

Java Spring

To get your Exceptions to be recognized as one events instead of many one-lined events by Logstash, you need to change your log format.

To do this, you can add the following snippet to logging.pattern.console in the file of your Java Spring application:


With this snippet every line feed \n in the stack trace will be converted into \u2028 (line separator). The %nopex part means that the original text will not be printed/logged.

If your logging config is just this:


Then all your logs will be exceptions. As you probably want to log other events too, you can add the above snippet to an existing config. This is shown in an example:

Assume that your logging config is currently the following:

logging.pattern.console=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%n

This just prints the date, time and then the log message. The %n at the end is of course the newline and probably also the last thing you’ll output per logged event. To add the replace rule to this config, place it in the very end, but before the final %n so that your exception will still be terminated by a newline. Like this:

logging.pattern.console=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%replace(%xException){'\n','\u2028'}%nopex%n

This causes your regular logging events to print as usual and only exceptions (or rather: their stack traces) will be manipulated.

YAML or XML logging configurations

In case you use a yaml or xml based format, the method is still the same, just add the snippet above just before the final newline of your logging pattern.

Say this is your logback-spring.xml:

<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%n</pattern>
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

You have to make same kind of change as for, but you have to do it for every class that may log Exceptions to stdout. For this example the logback-spring.xml would look like so:

<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%replace(%xException){'\n','\u2028'}%nopex%n</pattern>
<root level="debug">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

This solution will work for any type of logging configuration, as long as it supports the replace-format of the code snippet
