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Version: 52.0.0


These are the all metrics provided by the a9s Backup Monit component.


General Metrics

Metric IdTypeDescription
healthInteger (1 = unhealthy / 0 = healthy)Returns the a9s Backup Monit status. If the value is 0, a9s Backup Monit is running and its API is reachable.
skipped_metricsIntegerCounts how many instances the a9s Backup Monit failed to get all metrics for. a9s Backup Monit iterates over all service instances known to the a9s Backup Manager. Something could go wrong when fetching the metrics for a service instance, and in this case the metric counter will by increased by one. A high value of skipped_metrics indicates an underlying issue and might need further investigation.


Service Instance Metrics

Metric IdTypeDescription
backup_methodString (splitted_files or single_file)Backup method. There are two options: the splitted_files method will store the backup in one or more files, while the single_file method will store the backup in one single file.
backup_dateInteger (timestamp)(DEPRECATED: replaced with last_backup_time_store) Backup creation date. This time is the last modified date of the backup files inside the store. It can differ slightly from last_backup_time.
minutes_since_last_backupInteger (minutes)(DEPRECATED) Amount of minutes since the last backup has been created. This number will be calculated like backup_date.
content_lengthInteger (kB)Size of the backup. The size is calculated by summing up the size of all files in the backup store belonging to the current backup.
content_length_from_metadataInteger (kB)Size of the backup. The value is taken from the metadata file of the current backup.
file_countIntegerNumber of files that comprise the backup.
last_backup_timeInteger (timestamp)Backup creation date of the latest known backup. This value is the date the a9s Backup Manager updated the backup status for the last time. The value can differ slightly from backup_date.
last_backup_statusIntegerLast backup status known to a9s Backup Manager. Can be 0 (queued), 1 (running), 2 (done), 3 (failed), 4 (deleted).
last_successful_backup_size_managerIntegerSize of the last successful backup known to the a9s Backup Manager. This value is only updated when the latest backup has the state done. In any other case the value will not be touched.
last_successful_backup_time_managerInteger (timestamp)The creation date of the last successful backup know to the a9s Backup Manager. This value is only updated when the latest backup has the state done. In any other case the value will not be touched.
last_backup_time_storeInteger (timestamp)The creation date known by the storage where the backup is saved. To get this time the Backup Monit asks the corresponding storage for the last modification time of the backup. It can differ slightly from last_backup_time.
error_fetching_metricsInteger (1 = error happened / 0 = no error happened)Returns if an error happened. If so the metrics could be invalid.



a9s Backup Manager Metrics

Metrics with information on the internal a9s Backup Manager state.

Metric IdTypeDescription
queued_backupsFloatNumber of backups in the queue waiting to be executed.
running_backupsFloatNumber of backups that are currently running.
done_backupsFloatNumber of backups finished with success.
deleted_backupsFloatNumber of deleted backups.
failed_backupsFloatNumber of failed backups.
queued_backup_fragmentsFloatNumber of backup fragments in the queue waiting to be executed.
running_backup_fragmentsFloatNumber of backup fragments that are currently running.
done_backup_fragmentsFloatNumber of backup fragments finished with success.
deleted_backup_fragmentsFloatNumber of deleted backup fragments.
failed_backup_fragmentsFloatNumber of failed backups.
queues_name_backup_agent_backupsFloatNumber of jobs in the backup queue.
queues_name_backup_watcher_jobFloatNumber of jobs in the backup watcher queue.
queues_name_backup_fragmentsFloatNumber of backup fragment jobs in the queue.
queues_name_backup_fragment_watcher_jobFloatNumber of backup fragment watcher jobs in the queue.
queues_name_restore_watcher_jobFloatNumber of restore watcher jobs in the queue.
queues_name_restore_fragment_jobFloatNumber of restore fragment jobs in the queue.
queues_name_restore_fragment_watcher_jobFloatNumber of restore fragment watcher jobs in the queue.
queues_name_update_instance_state_jobFloatNumber of update instance state jobs in the queue.
queues_name_initialize_backup_deletion_jobFloatNumber of initialize backup deletion jobs in the queue.
queues_name_backup_deleter_jobFloatNumber of backup deleter jobs in the queue.
queues_name_backup_all_jobFloatNumber of jobs in the backup all queue.



Backup fragments are pieces of incremental backups. For example, WAL archives are represented by backup fragments.

Metric Path

The path for the metrics has the structure <cf_service_guid>.backup_monit.<bosh_deployment_name>.<metric_name>.

cf_service_guidThe GUID that Cloud Foundry assigns. Can be found with cf service <service_name> --guid
bosh_deployment_nameThe name of the deployment inside bosh
metric_nameName of the metric (See table Service Instance Metrics)


a9s-pg is not deployed through an a9s Service Broker. The postgresql-backup-endpoint is in place to enable the creation of backups via the a9s Backup Manager.

As a result the bosh_deployment_name is used for cf_service_guid. Therefore the metric path is a9s-pg.backup_monit.a9s-pg.*.