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Version: 52.0.0

a9s LogMe2 Configuration

This page describes possible configurations for a9s LogMe2.

SMTP Configuration for Notifications

a9s LogMe2 is able to send out notifications via SMTP. The application developer(s) can configure the so-called SMTP senders in the OpenSearch Dashboard. They provide the SMTP username, host, and port, but they are unable to configure the respective password for the user. This needs to be done by the Platform Operator via BOSH properties.


The easiest way is to leverage the functionality of our template-uploader-errand. If you want to use, for example,the inline ops-files functionality, you can configure your own ops-files in the a9s LogMe2 service manifest and the ops-files will be applied for all service instances.

This would be, as an example, an ops-file that adapts the logme2-service.yml by adding its contents inline(as text) to the template-uploader-errand properties. This ensures that for each LogMe2 Service Instance there is a configured SMTP sender called sender_name with the username and the password verystrongandlongpassword available.

- type: replace
path: /instance_groups/name=templates-uploader/jobs/name=template-uploader/properties/template-uploader/template-custom-ops?
value: |
- type: replace
path: /instance_groups/name=os/jobs/name=opensearch/properties/opensearch/keystore?
value: verystrongandlongpassword

The application developer has to just configure this SMTP sender in his OpenSearch Dashboard, and has to ensure that the SMTP senders name he picks is equal to the one that is configured. In this case it would be sender_name.

Required Indices
  • Since the alertingDashboards and notificationsDashboards plugins are enabled by default, the following indices are hard requirements and cannot/ should not be removed as long as they are provided/ enabled:
    • .opendistro-alerting-alerts
    • .opendistro-alerting-alert-history-*
    • .opendistro-alerting-config
    • .opendistro-alerting-alert-history-write
    • .opensearch-notifications-config