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Version: 52.0.0

Cleanup a9s-pg Entries of Deleted Service Instances

This manual will guide you through manual deletion of a9s-pg entries for deleted instances older than given days.


On the respective a9s Service Broker Virtual Machine, execute the following rake task with the number of days (<number_of_days>) as a command line argument:

sudo -i
/var/vcap/jobs/anynines-service-broker/bin/rake deleted_instances:clean_up[<number_of_days>]

Note: Setting (<number_of_days>) to (0), deletes all Service Instances' entries that were destroyed prior to today.


Deleting Service Instances older than 10 days:

/var/vcap/jobs/anynines-service-broker/bin/rake deleted_instances:clean_up[10]

Cleaning up the following DB entries that are older than 2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00:
Deployment name: "abcd2712b4" - GUID: "c7b9c2c1-10f0-4a10-9980-c3d7a4347851" - Deleted at: "2024-03-01 10:01:33 UTC"....
Finished deleting DB entries for the deleted service instances.