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Version: 53.0.0

Using a9s LogMe2

This topic describes how to use a9s LogMe2 after it has been successfully installed.

Stream Application Logs to LogMe2

To use a9s LogMe2 with an application, create a service instance and bind the service instance to your application. For more information on managing service instances, see Managing Service Instances with the cf CLI.


When using a9s LogMe2, you can use the encrypted TCP endpoint from Fluentd to receive logs from an application running in Cloud Foundry. You can find this endpoint in your service key/binding under the syslog_drain_url that starts with syslog-tls://. See Binding/Service Key Options for more information.

Supported Protocols and Limitations

a9s LogMe2 supports the use of the Syslog Protocol (RFC 5424 and by extension RFC 3164) under the following standards:

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Mapping for Syslog RCF 5425
  • Transmission of Syslog Messages over UDP RCF 5426
  • Transmission of Syslog Messages over TCP RCF 6587

This means that your Syslog messages must reflect the requirements set by these standards such as, but not limited to:

  • The timestamp of your Syslog messages must follow the format mentioned in section 6.2.3 of RFC 5424 (which is derived from RFC 3339).
  • Your log source must be able to use nil as a timestamp when unable to obtain the system's time.

Furthermore, depending on whether your Syslog messages are being sent over UDP or TCP, they should take on a specific format.

For UDP the format takes on the shape of: <priority>version date hostname app_name proccess_id message_id structured_data message

Which would look like this:

<34>1 2023-12-12T14:37:35.569848Z <your_host> <your_app> 1234 ID98 [...] This is an app log message.

For TCP the format takes on the shape of: size <priority>version date hostname app_name proccess_id message_id structured_data message

Which would look like this:

196 <34>1 2023-12-13T14:37:35Z myhostname myapp - - - This is a sample syslog message23344

As you can see, the timestamp in the examples differ from one another. this is due to the fact that both are accepted by the Syslog protocol.

View the Service Offering

After the service is installed, run cf marketplace to see a9s-logme2 service offering and its service plans:

$ cf marketplace
Getting services from marketplace in org test / space test as admin...
service plans description
a9s-logme2 logme2-single-small, logme2-single-big, logme2-cluster-small, logme2-cluster-big This is the a9s LogMe2 service.

Create a Service Instance

To provision a LogMe2 instance, run cf create-service SERVICE-NAME PLAN-NAME INSTANCE-NAME where INSTANCE-NAME is any name you want to give the instance you create.

cf create-service a9s-logme2 logme2-single-small my-logme2-service

Depending on your infrastructure and service broker utilization, it may take several minutes to create the service instance.

Run the cf services command to view the creation status. This command displays a list of all your service instances. To view the status of a specific service instance, run cf service NAME-OF-YOUR-SERVICE.

Bind the LogMe2 Service to Your Application

After the LogMe2 service instance is created, run cf bind-service APP-NAME INSTANCE-NAME to bind the LogMe2 service to any applications whose logs should be streamed:

cf bind-service my-app my-logme2-service

To learn more about the options available to you when creating a binding/service key, see Binding/Service Key Options.

Restage or Restart Your Application

To enable your application to access the service instance, run cf restage or cf restart to restage or restart your application.

See Your Applications Logs

To see your service's logs follow the instructions here.

Best Practices

There are some best practices for using service binding information in apps in a separate document.

Stream a9s Service Logs to LogMe2

To use a LogMe2 Service Instance to monitor another service instance, follow the first two steps of Stream application logs to LogMe2 to create an a9s LogMe2 Service Instance.


In order for a9s LogMe2 to receive logs from another a9s Service Instance, you need to enable the Fluentd's UDP endpoint.

Create a Service Key

After the LogMe2 Service Instance is created, run cf create-service-key my-logme2-service SERVICE-KEY-NAME to create a new key for your service instance:

$ cf create-service-key my-logme2-service key1
$ cf service-key my-logme2-service key1

"cacrt": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDATCCAemgAwIBAgIUDW4AdZ5qIAyOicXtsDs54craubEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwEDEOMAwGA1UEAxMFYTlzQ0EwHhcNMjIwOTEzMDgyMjU0WhcNMzIwOTEwMDgy\nMjU0WjAQMQ4wDAYDVQQDEwVhOXNDQTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCC\nAQoCggEBAJ9z6JasBiHFJe8nJWZwArpOuUiRMu2bEetDqaDpEFS2PveqKO4zOoKl\nhjFPVzW0L8TYu7+Vr5nq+pjet/4cABVXmX2rmeOHCszMoZw+ceQRA4J0MVCuLZQC\n6bhYhJJEtsEokSlkWvzmpPLx7oaR2mLMIpfhjdhwBhqbkEoVp1nnMWF/sSvJzzMO\nl3T9q//vxgaBoT7F7EgpTBrudxEe3UhhWlZdl0I8cGJBJurnQ2UKPqFMtU74etEA\nOmEi2eEYJTU+SAgsceUBQOOIHVwuUdxHk6Z2Qe1tmouED5NU/oIyyx86Ywgmm02h\nlOujdAqi/Yborx8jTENF5u9i9sEubTECAwEAAaNTMFEwHQYDVR0OBBYEFMpzAamr\nngP/ZdSy4FxlPas7GJHDMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFMpzAamrngP/ZdSy4FxlPas7GJHD\nMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAFa8SlzoNCUxpXGD\nEJfo2x3fLftpWD3NBdYOGDSON8/uOXttu0b7WBiLV39RDgc5mWm1mDFr7ARzPDZz\n8RXDcKLc/uy8vi7zK8DpXPPQeawgFOX8UkQbuBb5S/aElBz6iJeSzed2t5FLGnhf\nkCqmsfNHaRCDydkrdwMlEoI0M/NNrDRya/50DOpE7LazqhJ+Loc8zLQs9IL8vbhj\nIivbO5CSaYHg1Q7seOwHHi62TMIoQo/a59GxXLIVTVAjgKlUYX1nwmLQRcIDI45+\nW/Hv4gkrZa2ebbjfBbshKNjSbO6MTlC3upJZ4N9Zr+5gcGUX1ASftTZU8s1irWVy\nHbLpk5Q=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"host": "https://d765411-os.service.dc1.dsf2.a9ssvc:9200",
"password": "a9scbe8462ee571f12d95b3a950e1bf8b2445a59983",
"syslog_drain_url": "syslog-tls://d765411-fluentd.service.dc1.dsf2.a9ssvc:6514",
"username": "a9s94bd153ddf5978f1eae7c88b57a27721430600d2"

You can use the following option when creating a service key/binding:

Custom Parameter NameDescriptionPossible Values
syslog-use-udpCauses the protocol in the syslog_drain_url to be syslog:// instead of syslog-tls:// and removes the cacrt field.yes / no


$ cf create-service-key my-logme2-service key2 -c '{"syslog-use-udp": "yes"}'
$ cf service-key my-logme2-service key2

"host": "https://d765411-os.service.dc1.dsf2.a9ssvc:9200",
"password": "a9s905525a655930b2bdeb890023c478079734a6409",
"syslog_drain_url": "syslog://d765411-fluentd.service.dc1.dsf2.a9ssvc:514",
"username": "a9s19db1255257d8fb3ec3027444bf1d163dca21586"

Update Your Service

The cf update-service command used with the -c flag can let you stream your syslog to a third-party service. In this case, the command expects a JSON string containing the syslog key. For this, you need to give the URL given by the cf service-key command as a value for the syslog key.

$ cf update-service service-instance-to-monitor \
-c '{"syslog": ["d37f7da-fluentd.service.dc1.consul:514"]}'

See Your Services Logs

To see your service's logs follow the instructions here.

See Your Logs

Regardless of the origin or your logs, be it your application or your service instance, the process to see them on the OpenSearch Dashboard is as follows:

  1. Before you can see your application logs, you need credentials. Credentials can be retrieved by first creating a Service Key with cf create-service-key my-logme2-service key1 and then displaying them:

    $ cf service-key my-logme2-service key1
    Getting key k1 for service instance rg-real as cf-admin-dataservices...

    "cacrt": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nHbLpk5Q=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
    "host": "https://d765411-os.service.dc1.dsf2.a9ssvc:9200",
    "password": "a9scbe8462ee571f12d95b3a950e1bf8b2445a59983",
    "syslog_drain_url": "syslog-tls://d765411-fluentd.service.dc1.dsf2.a9ssvc:6514",
    "username": "a9s94bd153ddf5978f1eae7c88b57a27721430600d2"

To learn more about the options available to you when creating a binding/service key, see Binding/Service Key Options.

You need the username and password field values for authentication.

  1. Grab the service instance's dashboard URL with cf service my-logme2-service:
name: my-logme2-service
service: a9s-logme2
plan: logme2-single-small
description: This is the a9s LogMe2 service.
service broker: logme2-service-broker

This service is not currently shared.

Showing status of last operation from service my-logme2-service...

status: create succeeded
started: 2022-27-08T20:18:13Z
updated: 2022-27-08T20:24:33Z

bound apps:
name binding name status message
my-app create succeeded
  1. Extend the dashboard URL with a postfix /opensearch-dashboard. In the above example this would result in the URL

  2. Open the URL in a browser and then authenticate on the OpenSearch Dashboards login page with your Service Key credentials: authentication-page

  3. Once your a9s LogMe2 Service Instance has received messages, the following page will be presented to you and you just need to click on the left 'Visualize & analyze' link. home-view

  4. On the 'Getting started with OpenSearch Dashboards' page you need to select the 'Add your data' button. getting-started-page

  5. Then you can proceed by clicking the 'Create index pattern' button. you-have-data

  6. In the field 'Index pattern name', you need to enter fluentd-*. Once you entered that value, a message should appear that your index pattern matches a source. Click on 'Next step' to proceed. create-index-pattern

  7. In the second step of 'Create index pattern', you need to select '@timestamp' for the 'Time field'. Afterwards, click 'Create index pattern' button to conclude the initial setup. select-time-field

Your service's logs appear on the Discover view of OpenSearch Dashboards: dashboard-app-logs

It may take a few seconds until the messages appear in OpenSearch Dashboards.

Stop Streaming Application Logs to LogMe2

Follow the steps below to stop streaming the logs of your applications to LogMe2.

List Available Services

Run cf services to list available service instances and get the name of the service instance you want to delete.

$ cf services

Getting services in org test / space test as admin...

name service plan bound apps last operation
my-logme2-service a9s-logme2 logme2-single-small a9s-logme2-app create succeeded

This example shows that my-logme2-service is bound to the a9s-logme2-app.

Unbind the Service Instance

If your LogMe2 Service Instance is bound to an app, you will need to unbind them first. Run cf unbind-service APP-NAME INSTANCE-NAME to unbind the service from your application:

cf unbind-service a9s-logme2-app my-logme2-service

Delete the Service Instance

Run cf delete-service INSTANCE-NAME to delete the service instance:

cf delete-service my-logme2-service

It may take several minutes to delete the service. Deleting a service deprovisions the corresponding infrastructure resources. Run the cf services command to view the deletion status.

Stop Streaming Service Logs to LogMe2

Follow the steps below to stop streaming the logs of your services to LogMe2.

Overwrite Your Service configuration

If you want to stop streaming your service instance logs to your LogMe2 instance, you can overwrite the syslog key of your service configuration.

Run cf update-service INSTANCE-NAME -c PARAMETERS-AS-JSON to update the syslog endpoint of the instance you don't want to monitor anymore. For this, you need to overwrite the value of the syslog key with an empty string.

cf update-service service-instance-to-monitor -c '{"syslog": []}'

Delete the Service Key and Instance

If you are not using it anymore, you may want to delete the service key and the service instance itself. Run cf delete-service-key INSTANCE-NAME SERVICE-KEY-NAME and cf delete-service INSTANCE-NAME to do so.

cf delete-service-key my-logme2-service key1
cf delete-service my-logme2-service

It may take several minutes to delete the service. Deleting a service deprovisions the corresponding infrastructure resources. Run the cf services command to view the deletion status.

Add a Graphite Endpoint

If you want to monitor your service with Graphite, you can set the custom parameter graphite. It expects the host and port where the Graphite metrics should be sent to.

For example, in order to send Graphite metrics to an endpoint, you can use the following command:

cf update-service my-instance -c '{ "graphite": "" }'

The endpoint would then receive metrics in the format:

<service_guid>.<service_type>.<host>.<metric> <metric value> <metric timestamp>

Metrics Frequency

By default, metrics will be emitted every 10 seconds. You can change the interval via the custom parameter metrics_frequency.

For example, in order to send Graphite metrics to an endpoint every minute, you would set the custom parameter metrics_frequency to 60 using the following command:

cf update-service my-instance -c '{  "metrics_frequency": 60 }'

Metrics Prefix

Depending on your graphite provider, you might need to prefix the metrics with a certain value, like an API key for example. In this case you can leverage the custom parameter metrics_prefix.

cf update-service my-instance -c '{  "metrics_prefix": "my-api-key-for-a-certain-provider" }'

The resulting metric path would have the format:



These are all metrics provided by a9s LogMe2.

Metric IdtypeDescription
metric_fetch_statusInteger (1 = true / 0 = false)When the last metric update is successful the result is true.
cluster_health.active_primary_shardsIntegerThe number of active primary shards. documentation
cluster_health.active_shardsIntegerThe total number of active primary and replica shards. documentation
cluster_health.active_shards_percent_as_numberFloatPercent of shards active documentation
cluster_health.delayed_unassigned_shardsIntegerThe number of shards whose allocation has been delayed by this timeout. documentation
cluster_health.initializing_shardsIntegerThe number of shards that are under initialization. documentation
cluster_health.number_of_data_nodesIntegerThe number of nodes that are dedicated data nodes. documentation
cluster_health.number_of_in_flight_fetchIntegerThe number of unfinished fetches. documentation
cluster_health.number_of_nodesIntegerThe number of nodes within the cluster. documentation
cluster_health.number_of_pending_tasksIntegerThe number of cluster-level changes that have not yet been executed. documentation
cluster_health.relocating_shardsIntegerThe number of shards that are under relocation. documentation
cluster_health.statusInteger (0 = green / 1 = yellow / 2 = red / 3 = unknown)Health status of the cluster, based on the state of its primary and replica shards. documentation
cluster_health.task_max_waiting_in_queue_millisIntegerThe time expressed in milliseconds since the earliest initiated task is waiting for being performed. documentation
cluster_health.timed_outInteger (1 = true / 0 = false / 2 = unknown)If false the response returned within the period of time that is specified by the timeout parameter (30s by default). documentation
cluster_health.unassigned_shardsIntegerThe number of shards that are not allocated documentation

Cloud Foundry Org and Space Guid

The platform operators can enable support on a global level to prefix the Graphite metrics with the CloudFoundry organization and space. This means that all metrics of all service instances (not only yours!) contain that information.

In this case the Graphite metric paths have the following format:


When you enable in addition the metrics_prefix for your instance, you will end up with the metric path format:


Add a Syslog Endpoint

The cf update-service command used with the -c flag can let you stream your syslog to a third-party service. In this case, the command expects a JSON string containing the syslog key. You can also change the interval for the syslog with the key interval.

cf update-service my-logme2-service \
-c '{ "syslog": [""], "interval": "5" }'

If you use the syslog custom parameter on a LogMe2 Service Instance, it'll still receive the logs from it's bound Cloud Foundry apps, but will forward the logs from OpenSearch and Fluentd to the third-party services specified in the syslog custom parameter.

Custom Parameters

As an end user you have the opportunity to customize your service instance by using custom parameters. Custom parameters are passed on to a service instance by using the -c switch of the cf CLI commands cf create-service and cf update-service. For example

cf update-service my-instance -c '{"my_custom_parameter": "value"}'

would set the custom parameter named my_custom_parameter to the value value for the service instance my-instance.

You don't have to utilize those settings. There are sane defaults in place that fit your service plan well.

Every parameter corresponds to a property in the configuration file for the respective OpenSearch version.


As usage of an a9s LogMe2 instance grows you may need to tune the OpenSearch component to meet demand.

The following custom parameters are available for tuning the used memory:

java_heapspaceThe amount of memory (in MB) allocated as heap by the JVM for OpenSearch256%50 of VM memory (check your plan details)not set, 46% of available memory will be used
java_maxmetaspaceThe amount of memory (in MB) used by the JVM to store metadata for OpenSearch2561024512

Additionally there is a custom parameter available to set the used Garbage Collector:

NameDescriptionDefaultAvailable Options
java_garbage_collectorThe JVM Garbage Collector to be used for OpenSearch.UseG1GCUseSerialGC, UseParallelGC, UseParallelOldGC, UseG1GC

Data Retention

The Index State Management plugin is used to clean up old OpenSearch indices periodically. You can find more information in the official documentation. By default it deletes indices older than 30 days.

You can overwrite that configuration using the following custom parameters:

ism_job_intervalTime between executions of the Index State Management in minutes5
ism_deletion_afterCombination of an integer and a timerange when an index will be considered "old" and can be deleted from OpenSearch. Possible values for the timerange are s, m, h and d30d
ism_jitterJitter of the execution time (job_interval). Read more here0.6

For example:

cf create-service a9s-logme2 logme2-single-small my-logme2-service -c '{ "ism_deletion_after": "8h", "ism_job_interval": 60 }'
cf update-service my-logme2-service -c '{ "ism_jitter": 0.3 }'
Index State Mangement (ISM) - Known Limitations

When the ISM plugin configuration is set, it is saved in a dedicated OpenSearch index (.opendistro-ism-config). This index will be included as part of all generated backups from there on out. This causes the following limitations regarding the state of the configuration:

  • Depending on the chosen backup, you may lose settings that were set on a later date, until a restart of the service instance takes place.
    • For example, if you change the value of the ism_job_interval parameter from 5 to 8 on 12.12.2022 but you restore your instance using a backup from 10.12.2022, then the value will not be 8 but 5; this change will hold up until you restart the service instance.



You can specify the allowed TLS protocols via the custom parameter opensearch_tls_protocols. The custom parameter opensearch-tls-protocols correlates with OpenSearch's configuration parameters and, see Limiting TLS Protocols Used by the Server.

An array with protocol versions is expected. Only Java format is supported. The allowed protocol version values are TLSv1.3 and TLSv1.2.


You can limit the TLS ciphers via the custom parameter opensearch_tls_ciphers. The custom parameter opensearch_tls_ciphers correlates with OpenSearch's configuration parameters and, see Configuring Cipher Suites.

An array with cipher names is expected. Only Java format is supported.

WARNING: There is no validation enabled for the user provided value and therefore existing instances can break when applying this parameter.


This property specifies the port for the UDP endpoint of Fluentd. The default value is 514.


This property specifies the port for the unencrypted TCP endpoint of Fluentd. The default value is 0 (disabled).

The port of the UDP and unencrypted TCP endpoint can be the same, but do not have to be.


This property specifies the port for the encrypted TCP endpoint of Fluentd. The default value is 6514.


This property specifies the allowed TLS ciphers for Fluentd. See the Fluentd documentation for more information.


This property is only type checked and not fully validated! The current validation only type checks for a string. Any misconfiguration will cause Fluentd to malfunction.


This property specifies the TLS version for Fluentd. See the Fluentd documentation for more information.


If you want to accept multiple TLS protocols, use fluentd-tls-min-version and fluentd-tls-max-version instead of fluentd-tls-version.


This property specifies the minimal TLS version for Fluentd. See the Fluentd documentation for more information.


If fluentd-tls-min-version is set, fluentd-tls-max-version must also be set.


This property specifies the maximal TLS version for Fluentd. See the Fluentd documentation for more information.


If fluentd-tls-max-version is set, fluentd-tls-min-version must also be set.


It is possible to define additional grok patterns, which will be matched against the message part of the syslog. As soon the first grok pattern will match, the next will not apply to it.

To clarify that statement a little further, assume we have the following syslog message:

<133>Feb 25 14:09:07 webserver syslogd: 123 additional-infomation 456

This syslog message is preprocessed by the Fluentd syslog input plugin. After that preprocessing it already has the structure:

{... syslog specific parts of the log ... "message" : "123 additional-infomation 456" }

The user defined additional groks are now matched against the value of the message field. In the example above against "123 additional-infomation 456".

Assuming the following additional grok is defined:

"%{NUMBER:valueOne} %{WORD:someWord} %{NUMBER:valueTwo}"

The parsed result would be:

//... syslog specific parts of the log ...
"message": "123 additional-infomation 456",
"valueOne": "123",
"someWord": "additional-information",
"valueOne": "456"

How to Add Additional Groks

Additional groks are applied as custom parameter {"groks":[/* List of additional groks */]}.


cf cs <service-type> <service-plan> <service-name> \
-c '{ "groks": [{ "pattern": "%{WORD:Some} %{WORD:Grok} %{WORD:Pattern}" }]}'

Each pattern is a JavaScript object with the field "pattern".

patternmandatorystringThe grok pattern to match against

A minimal additional grok could look like this:

{ "groks": [{ "pattern": "%{GREEDYDATA:data}" }] }

How to Remove Added Grok Patterns

If you want to remove all additional groks just apply the custom parameter with an empty array:

cf update-service <service-name> -c '{"groks": []}'

Backup and Restore Service Instances

a9s LogMe2 provides an easy way to create backups and restore if needed. For a more detailed description, please see the a9s Service Dashboard documentation.

Setup Disk Usage Alerts

Each service comes with the a9s Parachute. This component monitors ephemeral and persistent disk usage. See the a9s Parachute documentation how to configure the component.