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Version: Develop

Service Instance Metrics

This page describes the metrics used to monitor state of an a9s MariaDB Service Instance. For further information on how to monitor an a9s Service Instance, see the Set up Monitoring section of the Application Developer's documentation.

Metric Groups


Some metrics may change between the MariaDB versions, therefore they might differ or not be available based on the MariaDB version that is currently running on the Service Instance. In order to be sure, consult the documentation link provided in the metric item description and confirm the information based on both the MariaDB metric and version.

General Status

General MariaDB status.

Metric IdTypeDescription
aborted_connectsIntegerNumber of aborted client connections. This can be due to the client not calling mysql_close() before exiting, the client sleeping without issuing a request to the server for more seconds than specified by wait_timeout or interactive_timeout, or by the client program ending in the midst of transferring data. documentation
com_deleteIntegerNumber of DELETE commands executed. Differs from Handler_delete, which counts the number of times rows have been deleted from tables. documentation
com_insertIntegerNumber of INSERT commands executed. documentation
com_selectIntegerNumber of SELECT commands executed. Also includes queries that make use of the query cache. documentation
com_updateIntegerNumber of UPDATE commands executed. documentation
connection_errors_internalIntegerNumber of refused connections due to internal server errors, for example out of memory errors, or failed thread starts. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS. documentation
connection_errors_max_connectionsIntegerNumber of refused connections due to the max_connections limit being reached. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS. documentation
innodb_buffer_pool_pages_totalIntegerTotal number of InnoDB buffer pool pages. documentation
Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_freeIntegerNumber of free InnoDB buffer pool pages. documentation
innodb_buffer_pool_read_requestsIntegerNumber of requests to read from the InnoDB buffer pool. documentation
innodb_buffer_pool_readsIntegerNumber of reads that could not be satisfied by the InnoDB buffer pool and had to be read from disk. documentation
innodb_data_fsyncsIntegerNumber of InnoDB fsync (sync-to-disk) calls. fsync call frequency can be influenced by the innodb_flush_method configuration option.documentation
innodb_page_sizeIntegerPage size used by InnoDB. Defaults to 16KB, can be compiled with a different value. documentation
innodb_row_lock_waitsIntegerThe number of times operations on InnoDB tables had to wait for a row lock. documentation
max_used_connectionsIntegerMax number of connections ever open at the same time. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS. documentation
qcache_hitsIntegerNumber of requests served by the query cache. The global value can be flushed by FLUSH STATUS. documentation
questionsIntegerNumber of statements executed by the server, excluding COM_PING, COM_STATISTICS, COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_CLOSE, and COM_STMT_RESET statements. Differs from Queries in that it doesn't count statements executed within stored programs. documentation
slow_queriesIntegerNumber of queries which took longer than long_query_time to run. The slow query log does not need to be active for this to be recorded. documentation
threads_connectedIntegerNumber of clients connected to the server. See Handling Too Many Connections. The Threads_connected name is inaccurate when the thread pool is in use, since each client connection does not correspond to a dedicated thread in that case. documentation
threads_runningIntegerNumber of client connections that are actively running a command, and not just sleeping while waiting to receive the next command to execute. Some internal system threads also count towards this status variable if they would show up in the output of the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement.documentation
wsrep_cluster_sizeIntegerNumber of nodes currently in the cluster. documentation
wsrep_cluster_statusIntegerCluster component status. Possible values are PRIMARY (primary group configuration, quorum present), NON_PRIMARY (non-primary group configuration, quorum lost) or DISCONNECTED (not connected to group, retrying). documentation
readsIntegerSum total of com_select and qcache_hits.
writesIntegerSum total of com_insert, com_update, and com_delete.
innodb_buffer_pool_pages_utilizationIt is the calculation by the formula (innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total - innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free) / innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total.
wsrep_cluster_state_uuidUUIDState of the cluster. If it matches the value in local_state_uuid, the local and cluster nodes are in sync. documentation
wsrep_gcomm_uuidUUIDThe UUID assigned to the node. documentation
wsrep_last_committedIntegerSequence number of the most recently committed transaction. documentation
wsrep_replicatedIntegerTotal number of writesets replicated to other nodes. documentation
wsrep_receivedIntegerTotal number of writesets received from other nodes. documentation
wsrep_readyStringWhether or not the Galera wsrep provider is ready. Possible values are ON or OFF. documentation
wsrep_open_transactionsIntegerThe number of locally running transactions which have been registered inside the wsrep provider. documentation
wsrep_open_connectionsIntegerThe number of open connection objects inside the wsrep provider. documentation
wsrep_thread_countIntegerTotal number of wsrep (applier/rollbacker) threads. documentation
wsrep_local_state_uuidUUIDThe node's UUID state. If it matches the value in cluster_state_uuid, the local and cluster nodes are in sync. documentation
wsrep_local_state_commentStringHuman-readable explanation of the state. documentation
wsrep_local_stateIntegerInternal Galera Cluster FSM state number. documentation
wsrep_commit_windowFloatAverage distance between the highest and lowest concurrently committed seqno. documentation

For a9s MariaDB < 10.6 versions the metric names use mysql instead of the mariadb.For example:


Sys Schema

The sys schema objects can be used for typical tuning and diagnosis use cases.

Metric IdTypeDescription
sessions.countIntegerAmount of sessions based on the query SELECT COUNT(*) AS sessions FROM x$session
io/file.event_classIntegerThe event class. documentation
io/file.totalIntegerThe total number of occurrences of events in the class. documentation
io/file.total_latencyIntegerThe total wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
io/file.min_latencyIntegerThe minimum single wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
io/file.avg_latencyIntegerThe average wait time per timed occurrence of events in the class. documentation
io/file.max_latencyIntegerThe maximum single wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
io/table.event_classIntegerThe event class. documentation
io/table.totalIntegerThe event class. documentation
io/table.total_latencyIntegerThe total wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
io/table.min_latencyIntegerThe minimum single wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
io/table.avg_latencyIntegerThe average wait time per timed occurrence of events in the class. documentation
io/table.max_latencyIntegerThe maximum single wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
lock/table.event_classIntegerThe event class. documentation
lock/table.totalIntegerThe total number of occurrences of events in the class. documentation
lock/table.total_latencyIntegerThe total wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
lock/table.min_latencyIntegerThe minimum single wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation
lock/table.avg_latencyIntegerThe average wait time per timed occurrence of events in the class. documentation
lock/table.max_latencyIntegerThe maximum single wait time of timed occurrences of events in the class. documentation

For a9s MariaDB < 10.6 versions the metric names use mysql instead of the mariadb. For example:
