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Version: Develop

Service Instance Metrics

This page describes the metrics used to monitor state of an a9s Messaging Service Instance. For further information on how to monitor an a9s Service Instance, see the Set up Monitoring section of the Application Developer's documentation.


Following a list of the RabbitMQ metric patterns which will be streamed to a colocated Prometheus endpoint. The metrics can be divided into the groups:

  • Node Metrics
  • Queue Metrics
    • Ghost Queues
  • Port Checks
  • General
Messaging 4.0 Metrics Changes

Starting with a9s Messaging 4.0, metrics have been changed to include all available RabbitMQ metrics for the three endpoints. Node, Queue and General (Cluster-wide metrics).

For more information about all available metrics for a9s Messaging 4.0 see the RabbitMQ Monitoring documentation and the RabbitMQ HTTP API documentation.

Node Metrics

These metrics provide insight into detailed information about the state of nodes. Most of the metrics represent point-in-time absolute values. The latter metrics are most useful when compared to their previous values and historical mean/percentile values.

Documentation source:

Group IdTypeDescription
disk_freeIntegerDisk free space in bytes.
disk_free_details.rateFloatRate of the disk_free metric.
disk_free_limitIntegerPoint at which the disk alarm will go off.
fd_totalIntegerFile descriptors available.
fd_usedIntegerUsed file descriptors.
io_read_avg_timeIntegerAverage wall time (milliseconds) for each disk read operation in the last statistics interval.
io_read_avg_time_details.rateFloatRate of the io_read_avg_time metric.
io_read_bytesIntegerTotal number of bytes read from disk by the persister.
io_read_bytes_details.rateFloatRate of the io_read_bytes metric.
io_read_countIntegerTotal number of read operations by the persister.
io_read_count_details.rateFloatRate of the io_read_count metric.
io_sync_avg_timeIntegerAverage wall time (milliseconds) for each fsync() operation in the last statistics interval.
io_sync_avg_time_details.rateFloatRate of the io_sync_avg_time metric.
io_write_avg_timeIntegerAverage wall time (milliseconds) for each disk write operation in the last statistics interval.
io_write_avg_time_details.rateFloatRate of the io_write_avg_time metric.
mem_limitIntegerPoint at which the memory alarm will go off.
mem_usedIntegerMemory used in bytes.
mem_used_details.rateFloatRate of the mem_used metric.
partitionedIntegerDisplays the partitions visible to this node. The value is 1 when partitions amount is greater than 0, otherwise it is 0.
proc_totalIntegerMaximum number of Erlang processes.
proc_usedIntegerNumber of Erlang processes in use.
sockets_totalIntegerFile descriptors available for use as sockets.
sockets_usedIntegerFile descriptors used as sockets.
uptimeIntegerTime since the Erlang VM started, in milliseconds.

Queue Metrics

These metrics provide insight into information about queue metrics. They expose the information of each individual queue available on the system.

Documentation source:

Group IdTypeDescription
consumersIntegerConsumers on a queue.
memoryIntegerQueue's memory.
messagesIntegerSum of ready and unacknowledged messages - total queue depth.
messages_details.rateFloatRate of the messages metric.
messages_ramIntegerReady and unacknowledged messages stored in memory.
messages_readyIntegerMessages ready to be delivered to consumers.
messages_ready_details.rateFloatRate of the messages_ready metric.
messages_ready_ramIntegerReady messages stored in memory.
messages_unacknowledgedIntegerMessages delivered to consumers but not yet acknowledged.
messages_unacknowledged_detailsFloatRate of the messages_unacknowledged metric.
messages_unacknowledged_ramIntegerUnacknowledged messages stored in memory.
message_bytesIntegerSize in bytes of ready and unacknowledged messages.
message_bytes_persistentIntegerSize in bytes of persistent messages.
message_bytes_ramIntegerSize of ready and unacknowledged messages stored in memory.
message_bytes_readyIntegerSize in bytes of ready messages.
message_bytes_unacknowledgedIntegerSize in bytes of all unacknowledged messages.
backing_queue_status.avg_ack_egress_rateIntegerAverage rate of leaving unacknowledged messages.
backing_queue_status.avg_ack_ingress_rateIntegerAverage rate of arriving unacknowledged messages.
backing_queue_status.avg_egress_rateIntegerAverage engress rate.
backing_queue_status.avg_ingress_rateIntegerAverage ingress rate.
backing_queue_status.lenIntegerTotal queue length.
backing_queue_status.next_seq_idIntegerNext sequence ID.
backing_queue_status.q1IntegerAmount of queues type Q1.
backing_queue_status.q2IntegerAmount of queues type Q2.
backing_queue_status.q3IntegerAmount of queues type Q3.
backing_queue_status.q4IntegerAmount of queues type Q4.

The backing_queue_status provides information about the state of a queue in RabbitMQ, using various metrics related to the queue’s internal state. These metrics are only present if announced by the RabbitMQ queue information.

Queue Names

Please be aware that the periods (.) of the queue's name are replaced with underscores (_) in the queue metrics. This is necessary since a periods is reserved as path separator for Graphite metric names.

backing_queue_status Deprecation

As of RabbitMQ 3.13, the backing_queue_status metric has been deprecated and is removed with a9s Messaging 4. Therefore, as of a9s Messaging 4.X and above, the backing_queue_status are not available anymore.

Ghost Queues

The idea behind this metric is to support the detection of ghost queues. Ghost queues are a known rabbitmq bug/artefact, so ideally this metric shouldn't appear.

Queue Names

Please be aware that the periods (.) of the queue's name are replaced with underscores (_) in the queue metrics. This is necessary since a periods is reserved as path separator for Graphite metric names.

Port Checks

These metrics provide insight into information about a9s RabbitMQ services ports.

Group IdTypeDescription
amqp_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the amqp open port.
amqp_tls_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the amqp tls open ports.
epmd_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the epmd open port.
http_api_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the http api open port.
mqtt_client_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the mqtt client open port.
mqtt_client_tls_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the mqtt client tls open port.
stomp_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the stomp open port.
stomp_tls_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the stomp tls open port.
web_mqtt_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the web mqtt tls open port.
web_stomp_port_openInteger (0 - Closed / 1 - Open)Show the web stomp open port.


These metrics provide insight into general information about a9s Messaging.

Documentation source:

Group IdTypeDescription
connectionsIntegerTotal amount of connections.
collect_timeInteger (ms)The time it took to collect the server status information.
metric_fetch_statusInteger (0 - success / 1 - fail)Status of the last server status collection operation.
For RabbitMQ < 4.0

For a9s Messaging Service Instances which are still using RabbitMQ < 4.0, only Legacy Syslog format is supported: ["hostname1:port1", "hostname2:port2"]