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Version: Develop

Graphite Metrics

This document lists and describes the Graphite metrics available in the a9s Framework.

Graphite Metrics are one of the most common metrics formats in application monitoring. The metrics are sent in the following simple format: metric_path + value + timestamp.

Add a Syslog Endpoint

The cf update-service command used with the -c flag can let you stream your syslog to a third-party service. In this case, the command expects a JSON string containing the syslog key.

cf update-service my-data-service \
-c '{ "syslog": [""]}'

a9s Metric specification

The metric specification shows how the metric_path is built in the anynines context. 0 1532428430
|-------| |-| |---| |----------------------------------| |------| |--------------------------| |----------------------------------------------------------------| | |--------|
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
1metrics prefixUser defined metric prefix; often used for API keysmetrics_prefix (optional)
2metrics prefix level 2User defined metric prefix (often used for CF orgs)metrics_prefix_level_2 (optional)
3metrics prefix level 3User defined metric prefix (often used for CF spaces)metrics_prefix_level_3 (optional)
4guidAn identifier for the system generating the logsAutomatic
5service nameIdentifies the data serviceAutomatic
6hostname/deployment nameConsul hostname of the node or if backup monit plugin, deployment nameAutomatic
7metric idDescribes the metric (service specific)Automatic
8metric valueValue of the metricN/A
9timestampTime when the log message was createdN/A

System Metrics

These are all of the metrics provided by all a9s Unix-based component.

Metric IdTypeDescription
disk_sizeInteger (Bytes)The total space on the partition
disk_usedInteger (Bytes)The total amount of used space on the storage partition
mem_freeInteger (kB)Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo)
mem_buffersInteger (kB)Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo)
mem_sharedInteger (kB)Memory used (mostly) by tmpfs (Shmem in /proc/meminfo)
mem_totalInteger (kB)Total installed memory (MemTotal and SwapTotal in /proc/meminfo)
mem_buffersInteger (kB)Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo)
mem_cachedInteger (kB)Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and SReclaimable in /proc/meminfo)
mem_usedInteger (kB)Used memory (calculated as MemTotal - MemFree - Buffers - Cached - SReclaimable)
swap_totalInteger (kB)Swap Memory total (Swap_total in /proc/meminfo)
swap_usedInteger (kB)Swap Memory total - Swap Memory free (Swap_total and Swap_free in /proc/meminfo)
cpu<*>.userIntegerNormal processes executing in user mode (First column at the CPU* line at /proc/stat)
cpu<*>.priorityIntegerNiced processes(niceness) executing in user mode (Second column at the CPU* line at /proc/stat)
cpu<*>.systemIntegerProcesses executing in kernel mode (Third column at the CPU* line at /proc/stat)
cpu<*>.idleIntegerIdle processes (Fourth column at the CPU* line at /proc/stat)
load_fifteen_minFloatAmount of CPU and IO utilization of the last 15 minutes (Third column at /proc/loadavg)
load_five_minFloatAmount of CPU and IO utilization of the last 5 minutes (First column at /proc/loadavg)
load_one_minFloatAmount of CPU and IO utilization of the last 1 minute (Second column at /proc/loadavg)

a9s Parachute Metrics

These are all of the metrics provided related to a9s Parachute.


error0 if the a9s Parachute metrics could be fetched, 1 otherwise
activated1 if the a9s Parachute is activated because at least one disk has reached the configured threshold, 0 otherwise
metric_fetch_status0 if the last metric update is successful, 1 otherwise


Only the observed devices of the a9s Parachute are monitored:

Mount PointName
disk.\<name>.error0 if the disk stats could be fetched, 1 otherwise
disk.\<name>.totalthe maximum available amount of disk space in bytes
disk.\<name>.usedthe amount of disk space in bytes currently being used
disk.\<name>.used_percentthe amount of disk space in percent currently being used
disk.\<name>.used_thresholdthe threshold value in percent of disk space at which the a9s Parachute is activated
disk.\<name>.freethe amount of disk space in bytes not currently in use
disk.\<name>.activated1 if the a9s Parachute is activated because this disk has reached the configured threshold, 0 otherwise

Other Metrics

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